ZSS, Jharsuguda (Zilla Swasthya Samiti) Recruitment Notification 2020 42 Medical officer, Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator Post Attend Walkin Interview
ZSS, Jharsuguda (Zilla Swasthya Samiti) Has Released Recruitment Notification For 42 Medical officer, Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator Posts. All Eligible And Interested Candidates Can Attend Walkin Interview On 06-02-2020 (6th February 2020). Further Detailed Information Regarding Educational Qualifications, Age Limit, Selection Procedure, Exam Pattern, Syllabus for ZSS, Jharsuguda (Zilla Swasthya Samiti) Recruitment 2020 - 42 Medical officer, Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator Post is mentioned below.
Name And No. of Posts -
1. AYUSH MO Ayurvedic-CHC - 01
2. AYUSH MO Homeopathy-PHC - 05
3. Medical officer (DEIC) - 01
4. Medical officer (NCD) - 01
5. Medical officer (SNCU) - 03
6. Pediatrician (DEIC) - 01
7. Optometrist (DEIC) - 01
8. Early interventionist cum special educator (DEIC) - 01
9. Dental technician (DEIC) - 01
10. AYUSH Homeopathy-RBSK-Male - 02
11. AYUSH Ayurvedic-RBSK-Female - 04
12. Pharmacist-RBSK - 04
13. Staff Nurse/ANM-RBSK - 03
14. Social Worker (RBSK/NTCP) - 01
15. Finance & Logistic Assistant (NVBDCP) - 01
16. Block Programme Manager - 01
17. Block Account Manager/Accountant, NHM - 02
18. Case Registry Assistant Under NMHP - 01
19. Medical Records Assistant Under IDSP - 01
20. Clinical Psychologist under NMHP - 01
21. Psychiatric Social Worker under NMHP - 01
22. TBHV - 01
23. Data Entry Operator - 03
24. District Data Manager-IDSP - 01 posts
Age Limit -
Selection Process - All Eligible Candidates will Be Selected Based on Their Performance In Personal Interview.
How To Apply - All Eligible and Interested candidates are required to attend walkin interview along with relevant testimonials to the following Address on 6th February 2020.
Address -Zilla Swasthya Samiti, CDM & PHO, NHM, Jharsuguda.
Important Dates -
ZSS, Jharsuguda (Zilla Swasthya Samiti) Recruitment 2020 Detailed Vacancy Information -
Total No. of Posts - 42 postsName And No. of Posts -
1. AYUSH MO Ayurvedic-CHC - 01
2. AYUSH MO Homeopathy-PHC - 05
3. Medical officer (DEIC) - 01
4. Medical officer (NCD) - 01
5. Medical officer (SNCU) - 03
6. Pediatrician (DEIC) - 01
7. Optometrist (DEIC) - 01
8. Early interventionist cum special educator (DEIC) - 01
9. Dental technician (DEIC) - 01
10. AYUSH Homeopathy-RBSK-Male - 02
11. AYUSH Ayurvedic-RBSK-Female - 04
12. Pharmacist-RBSK - 04
13. Staff Nurse/ANM-RBSK - 03
14. Social Worker (RBSK/NTCP) - 01
15. Finance & Logistic Assistant (NVBDCP) - 01
16. Block Programme Manager - 01
17. Block Account Manager/Accountant, NHM - 02
18. Case Registry Assistant Under NMHP - 01
19. Medical Records Assistant Under IDSP - 01
20. Clinical Psychologist under NMHP - 01
21. Psychiatric Social Worker under NMHP - 01
22. TBHV - 01
23. Data Entry Operator - 03
24. District Data Manager-IDSP - 01 posts
Age Limit -
- Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules. For Postwise Age Details Go To Detailed Advertisement
Selection Process - All Eligible Candidates will Be Selected Based on Their Performance In Personal Interview.
How To Apply - All Eligible and Interested candidates are required to attend walkin interview along with relevant testimonials to the following Address on 6th February 2020.
Address -Zilla Swasthya Samiti, CDM & PHO, NHM, Jharsuguda.